• (3) Liên Hiệp Quốc hỗ trợ công việc và bảo vệ Người bảo vệ Nhân quyền - Hoạt động của Liên Hiệp Quốc vì quyền lợi của những người bảo vệ nhân quyền đã phát triển từ nhận thức những điều sau đây: ❖ Thực hiện các tiêu chuẩn nhân quyền quốc tế ở các quốc gia tùy thuộc rất lớn vào sự đóng góp của các cá nhân và các nhóm […]
  • Vietnam: Update – Results of the appeal of human rights defenders Dau Van Duong, Tran Huu Duc and Chu Manh Son - Oct 3, 2012 – The appeal of human rights defenders Mr Dau Van Duong, Mr Tran Huu Duc, and Mr Chu Manh Son took place in the People’s Court of Nghe An on 26 September 2012. The sentences of Dau Van Duong, who had been sentenced to 42 months in jail followed by 18 months’ house arrest, and Tran […]
  • Vietnam: A dark week for freedom of expression - On 27 Sep, 2012 – In an unrelenting campaign against freedom of expression, six social activists were dealt severe prison terms this week following hurried trials. Three dissident bloggers and three Catholic activists were convicted under Article 88 of Vietnam’s Criminal Code, a vague and overly broad provision that is often abused by the authorities to prevent […]
  • Long prison terms for bloggers - On 25 September 2012 – Three Vietnamese bloggers were convicted to long prison sentences on Monday, 24 September, because of their peaceful activism. The most renowned, Nguyen Van Hai, got 12 years in prison. His crime: he criticized the authorities and demanded increased freedom of expression. Civil Rights Defenders urges the international community to increase the […]
  • The Assembly of Delegates of PEN International, meeting at its 78th World Congress in Geongju, Korea, 9th to 15th September 2012 - Resolution on Vietnam submitted by Suisse Romand PEN Centre and seconded by Swiss German PEN Centre and Swiss Italian and Reto-Romansh PEN Centre VIETNAM: Vietnam remains of great concern: It continues to suppress the right to freedom of expression and opinion, through application of liberticidal articles of its Penal Code, in particular, Article 88 ‘’Propaganda […]
  • Bloggers’ imprisonment a dark point for Vietnam human rights: Boswell - 25-September-2012  – Queensland Senator Ron Boswell today condemned the imprisonment of three prominent anti-government bloggers by the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, joining a growing chorus of human rights advocates around the world. On Monday, three Vietnamese bloggers – Phan Thanh Hai, Ta Phong Tan and Nguyen Van Hai – were found guilty of spreading anti-government propaganda and […]
  • Ashton calls for release of Vietnam bloggers - Sep 24, 2012, BRUSSELS – European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton on Monday called for the immediate release of three Vietnamese bloggers sentenced to stiff jail terms for “anti-state propaganda”. A statement from Ashton’s office said she expressed her “serious concern” and believed the “sentences in this case appear to be particularly severe.” High-profile blogger […]
  • Conviction of Three Vietnamese Bloggers - Press Statement, Victoria Nuland, Department Spokesperson, Office of the Spokesperson. September 24, 2012, Washington, DC – We are deeply troubled by the convictions of three Vietnamese bloggers who appear to have done nothing more than exercise their right to freedom of expression. Nguyen Van Hai (aka Dieu Cay) was sentenced to twelve years, Ta Phong Tan received ten years, and Phan […]
  • (2) VIOLATIONS COMMITTED AGAINST HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS AND OTHER DIFFICULTIES THEY FACE - Not all human  rights work places human rights defenders at risk, and in some States defenders are generally well protected. However, the severity and  scale of reprisals committed  against  defenders were  one  of the primary motivations  behind  the  adoption of the  Declaration  on human rights  defenders and  the  establishment of the  mandate of the  Special […]
  • Vietnam Widens Crackdown on Free Expression with Conviction of Bloggers - Sep 25, 2012 – Freedom House condemns the conviction of three Vietnamese pro-democracy bloggers for expressing political dissent and calls for their immediate release. The Vietnamese government must end its campaign against those exercising their right to free expression online.