• Tuần tin người bảo vệ nhân quyền từ 8/12 – 14/12/2014: Việt Nam y án tù đối với 3 nhà bất đồng chính kiến là bà Bùi Thị Minh Hằng, Nguyễn Văn Minh và cô Nguyễn Thị Thúy Quỳnh. - Defenders’ Weekly 15/12/2014 *********8/12/2014******** Hội CTNLTVN: Thư kêu gọi hỗ trợ “Chương trình laptop cho Cựu Tù nhân Lương tâm”  Hội CTNLT kêu gọi mọi người hỗ trợ chương trình laptop cho hội để hội trao tặng cho những người đấu tranh cho nhân quyền dân chủ sử dụng internet để tuyên truyền tin tức. […]
  • Oan án Hàn Đức Long – Bộ Công an và Viện KSND Tối cao: Hàn Đức Long có tội! (Bài 1) - Nguyễn Cao IJAVN | 14/12/2014 Tường trình từ Văn phòng cơ quan cảnh sát điều tra (CSĐT) Bộ Công an (C44), giai đoạn nhận Quyết định Giám đốc thẩm ngày 29-7-2009 về việc hủy bản án phúc thẩm, sơ thẩm, trả hồ sơ vụ án để điều tra lại từ đầu, cho biết (tóm lược, […]
  • Vietnam upholds jail terms for activists - | Dec 12, 2014 HANOI: A Vietnamese appeal court on Friday (Dec 12) upheld jail sentences against three activists who were convicted for “public disorder” offences earlier this year following short trials that generated widespread criticism. Bui Thi Minh Hang, a high-profile anti-China activist and the most prominent of the three, was imprisoned for […]
  • Vietnam Court Upholds Sentences of Three Jailed Bloggers - RFA, Dec 12, 2014 A court in southern Vietnam on Friday rejected the appeals of three jailed bloggers convicted on charges of public disorder, prompting a prominent human rights group to denounce the handling of the case by the authoritarian government. The three bloggers—Bui Thi Minh Hang, Nguyen Van Minh and Nguyen Thi Thuy Quynh—were […]
  • Vietnam Upholds Sentence for Outspoken Rights Activist - VOA | Dec 12, 2014 A court in southern Vietnam has upheld the sentence of outspoken activist and anti-China protester Bui Thi Minh Hang and two others in the latest crackdown on dissent. The results of the appeal trial in Dong Thap province in Vietnam’s Mekong Delta Friday came as “no surprise”, observers said. Hang […]
  • Vietnam – Appeal court to rule on conviction of Ms Bui Thi Minh Hang who was sentenced to three-years’ imprisonment - | Dec 11, 2014 On 12 December 2014, Dong Thap Province Appellate Court in Vietnam is expected to examine the sentence of human rights defender Ms Bui Thi Minh Hang who was sentenced earlier this year to three-years’ imprisonment under Article 245 of Vietnam’s Criminal Code for “causing public disorder”. Bui Thi Minh Hang […]
  • Vietnam: Conviction of three human rights defenders upheld - FIDH, Bangkok-Paris-Geneva | Dec 12, 2014 The conviction of three human rights defenders on trumped-up charges is the latest act of the government’s relentless repression of independent voices, the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders (a joint program of FIDH and OMCT) and the Vietnam Committee on Human Rights (VCHR) said today. Today, […]
  • Vietnam Court Upholds Jail Sentence for Well-known Anti-China Activist - by Vu Quoc Ngu, Dec 12, 2014 Defend the Defenders Ms. Hang, one of the leading figures in demonstrations in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City in the 2011-2013 period against the Chinese violations of Vietnam’s sovereignty in the East Sea, was arrested in February this year, together with two other activists named Nguyen Van […]
  • Vietnam: Stop Using Absurd Laws to Imprison Critics - HRW | Dec 10, 2014 Vietnam should drop all charges and immediately release bloggers Nguyen Quang Lap and Hong Le Tho, who were arrested for operating independent blogs, Human Rights Watch said today. Nguyen Quang Lap was arrested on December 6, 2014, and Hong Le Tho was arrested on November 29 in Ho Chi Minh […]
  • Vietnamese Blogger Harassed, Beaten by Plainclothes Police - RFA | Dec 10, 2014 Vietnamese online democracy activist Nguyen Hoang Vi was beaten by plainclothes security officers near her home in Ho Chi Minh City in an apparent bid to thwart plans by her and friends to mark International Human Rights Day, the blogger said Wednesday. The assault took place at about 3:30 p.m. […]