• Vietnam’s repression of human rights raised in Hill visits, hearing - By Patricia Zapor Catholic News Service 5.6.2013 WASHINGTON (CNS) — Hundreds of Vietnamese-Americans, as well as Vietnamese immigrants and visitors, spread out across Capitol Hill June 4 urging members of Congress to pay attention to ongoing, even worsening, repression in their home country. In a hearing before the House Foreign Affairs subcommittee that deals with […]
  • In Vietnam, free expression comes at a price - ANALYSIS: Ruthless crackdown on bloggers smacks of desperation UCA News | 7.6.2013 | Truong Duy Nhat’s arrest last week was accompanied by a little surprise from the government. In the subsequent days, the popular blogger’s website became a booby trap, with malware downloaded onto visitors’ computers that stole personal information about the user.
  • Daniel Baer: U.S.-Vietnam Bilateral Relations - Testimony – Daniel Baer Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor. As-prepared statement to House Committee on Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific Washington, DC – June 5, 2013 [pullquote]“As we talk about human rights, we should all remember that our concerns are really echoes of the concerns being voiced and discussed […]
  • THE DIRTY GAME OF THE VIETNAMESE SECURITY AGENCY - Lawyer Nguyen Van Dai (Vietnam Human Rights Committee) 6.6.2013 Recently, the Vietnamese Security Agency has failed when they tried to recruit the people in the democracy movement. They recruited some people, but these people were quickly discovered. One case was discovered in Vinh city on May 26, 2013. This young man was recruited by Hanoi […]
  • US warns Vietnam ‘backtracking’ on rights - Agence France-Presse 6.6.2013 WASHINGTON – A senior US official warned Wednesday that Vietnam’s record on human rights was deteriorating as he faced calls from Congress to put tougher conditions on the nations’ warming partnership. Joe Yun, the acting assistant secretary of state for East Asia, said the United States had “considerable leverage” with Vietnam as […]
  • Chairman Royce Questions Witnesses at Vietnam Hearing – 4 June, 2013 -
  • British Parliamentary Delegation is barred from visiting Buddhist leader Thich Quang Do - INTERNATIONAL BUDDHIST INFORMATION BUREAU PARIS, 5 June 2013 (IBIB) – A delegation of Members of Parliament from the UK All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) was barred from visiting the leader of the Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam (UBCV) during their trip to Vietnam last week. The delegation was in Vietnam from 25-31 May, visiting Hanoi, […]
  • Message from the EU Ambassador to Vietnam, Franz Jessen - EUROPEAN UNION DELEGATION TO VIETNAM | 31 May 2013 | The EU Ambassador to Vietnam, Franz Jessen, expressed today his concerns over the recent arrest and sentencing of a number of activists, bloggers and students to prison terms ranging from 2 to 13 years, followed by several years of house arrest, for acts related to […]
  • If Your Blog Gets Hacked, Can WordPress Help? - By David Brown Global Voices Advocacy 05-06-2013 In March, Vietnamese political news blog Anh Ba Sam underwent a series of attacks that left its content compromised and its owners unable to access the blog’s back end. Attackers took over the site, replacing its articles with their own content and changing passwords for the site’s administrative sections.
  • ICJ highlights the need for protection of lawyers in Viet Nam - May 30, 2013 – Advocacy: Legal submissions The ICJ today addressed the Human Rights Council, and the Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers, concerning the need for protection of lawyers in Viet Nam. [pullquote]The  ICJ recalls that  article  16 of  the UN Basic  Principles  on  the  Role  of  Lawyers  states  that “governments  […]