• Statement of concern over the state of health and current conditions of imprisonment of Mr. Cù Huy Hà Vũ by scholars and professionals around the world - Mr. Nguyễn Sinh Hùng, Chairman of the National Assembly of the SocialistRepublic of VietnamMr. Trương Tấn Sang, PresidentMr. Nguyễn Tấn Dũng, Prime MinisterGeneral Trần Đại Quang, Minister of Public SecurityMr. Nguyễn Phú Trọng, General Secretary of the Vietnamese Communist Party Gentlemen: We, who have signed this letter below, are scholars and professionals from around the […]
  • Call to assist Vietnamese dissidents Le Quoc Quan and Cu Huy Ha Vu - Khanh VU DUC VDK LAW OFFICE – Canada  June 20, 2013 The Honourable John Baird, PC, MP Minister of Foreign Affairs Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs 125 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, OntarioK1A 0G2 Tel: (613) 995-1851; Fax: (613) 996-3443 E-mail: Minister John Baird
  • Addresses by MPs Anthony Byrne and Luke Simpkins in Australian House Debates on Human Rights in Vietnam – 17 June 2013 - Anthony Byrne (Holt, Australian Labor Party) 17.6.2013 I am honoured today to speak on this private member’s motion by the member for Fowler. He is a well-known campaigner for human rights in Vietnam. I read several of his speeches in preparation for this contribution today. I congratulate him on this motion. I also rise to […]
  • Vietnam hunger strike tests official intimidation - HANOI, Vietnam | AP | 19.6.2013 | Cu Huy Ha Vu’s books come with pages torn out by prison guards. Only some of his letters reach home. He is not allowed to access evidence from his trial or to see his wife alone.
  • HRW: Vietnam Escalating Persecution of Bloggers - Recent Arrests, Physical Attacks Require Strong Diplomatic Response Human Rights Watch (New York, June 20, 2013) – The Vietnamese government should unconditionally release recently arrested bloggers and end physical attacks on critics, Human Rights Watch said today.
  • Kerry must press Vietnam to release dissident blogger, say NGOs - Democracy Digest 17.6.2013 US Secretary of State John Kerry should press Vietnam’s government to free a leading human rights defender, when he attends the ASEAN conference later this month, says a broad coalition of NGOs.
  • MP Chris Hayes’ address in Australian House Debates on Human Rights in Vietnam – 17 June 2013 - Chris Hayes (Fowler, Australian Labor Party) OpenAustralia 17.6.2013 Almost 50 years ago, when speaking about freedom on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, Martin Luther King Jr changed the world when he declared: ‘I have a dream.’ I refer to Martin Luther King because he is a prime example of a courageous individual who enlivened the global consciousness […]
  • Twelve NGOs urge Kerry to Raise the Case of Le Quoc Quan - The Honorable John Kerry Secretary of State 2201 C St NW Ste 7276 Washington DC 20520S 17 June 2013 Re: Mr. Le Quoc Quan and the Government of Viet Nam Dear Mr. Kerry, The signatory organisations respectfully request you to raise the issue of the unlawful arrest and detention of the prominent Vietnamese lawyer, blogger […]
  • Second Letter of Urgent Appeal from Cu Huy Ha Vu’s family - By Nguyen Thi Duong Ha Hanoi, 6/17/2013 Translated by Tâm Nguyên (Hiền Minh) To: All countrymen/women inside and outsideVietnam,      Party and State government officials with conscience,      All dignitaries, intellectuals, religions, people who love Truth,      Justice and Peace,      Organizations inside and outside Vietnam Dear all, I am Nguyen Thi […]
  • THIRD BLOGGER ARRESTED IN LESS THAN A MONTH - RSF 17.6.2013 Reporters Without Borders condemns the blogger Dinh Nhat Uy’s arrest in the southern province of Long An on 15 June on a charge of posting photos and articles on his personal blog that “distort the truth and defame state organizations.” He is to be detained for three months while the authorities investigate his alleged […]