• INTERNATIONAL COVENANT on CIVIL and POLITICAL RIGHTS (1966) - Socialist Republic of Vietnam ratified on Sep 24, 1982 Preamble The States Parties to the present Covenant, Considering that, in accordance with the principles proclaimed in the Charter of the United Nations, recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of […]
  • CÔNG ƯỚC QUỐC TẾ về các QUYỀN DÂN SỰ và CHÍNH TRỊ (1966) - Nước CHXHCN Việt Nam ký gia nhập ngày 24/9/1982. LỜI NÓI ĐẦU Các quốc gia thành viên Công ước này, Xét rằng, theo những nguyên tắc nêu trong Hiến chương Liên Hợp Quốc, việc công nhận phẩm giá vốn có và những quyền bình đẳng và bất di dịch của mọi thành viên trong cộng đồng nhân […]
  • Vietnamese authorities must release Dr. Nguyen Dan Que - 28 February 2011 – Amnesty International is calling for the immediate release of Dr. Nguyen Dan Que, a Vietnamese political and human rights activist, who was arrested on Saturday, 26 February 2011, by the Ho Chi Minh City Police Investigation Agency. In an official media report, the Vietnamese authorities described Dr. Que as being caught “red-handed keeping and distributing […]
  • Request for the immediate release of 17 Vietnamese social activists and bloggers and the withdrawal of all charges - To: Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Office of the State : 1 Bach Thao, Hanoi, Vietnam August 27, 2012 Dear Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung,  As you receive this letter, seventeen Vietnamese social activists, including bloggers and citizen journalists have been in jail for up to a year. Most have not even been brought to trial. […]
  • A Vietnamese attorney who works in human rights activism needs real, sincere protection from Vietnam’s government. - To the attention of: Mrs. Margaret Sekaggya  Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders, c/o: Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights – Palais Wilson United Nations Office at Geneva, CH 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland Re: Vietnam: Attack on human rights lawyer Mr Le Quoc Quan Dear Mrs. Margaret Sekaggya, I am William Nicholas Gomes, […]
  • Vietnam: Attack on human rights lawyer Mr Le Quoc Quan - TO: President Truong Tan Sang Office of the President, 1 Bach Thao, Hanoi, Vietnam. Your Excellency, On 19 August 2012, prominent human rights lawyer Mr Le Quoc Quan was attacked near his home in Hanoi. He believes that the police were behind the attack. 
  • ANOTHER JOURNALIST ARRESTED, HELD INCOMMUNICADO FOR PAST MONTH - FRIDAY 17 AUGUST 2012 – As the Vietnamese authorities continue to arrest and convict bloggers, Reporters Without Borders has just learned that they have also been holding the journalist and political essayist Pham Chi Dung for the past month.
  • Two Vietnamese bloggers given prison sentences - Bangkok, August 17, 2012–Harsh prison sentences handed down recently to two independent Vietnamese bloggers represent the latest official abuses in a widening crackdown on Internet freedoms in the country, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.
  • An Interview with Engineer Do Nam Hai on the Announcement - Reporter – Internet Radio Rallying for Democracy: Kind regards to Do Nam Hai, the democracy activist and dissident, is here for an interview today.  Do Nam Hai: Greetings and welcome to the listeners of Radio Rallying for Democracy. I am Do Nam Hai, speaking from Saigon, Việtnam.
  • Spate of trials - TUESDAY 14 AUGUST 2012. Reporters Without Borders deplores the five-year jail sentence that a Hanoi people’s court passed on the blogger Le Thanh Tung at the end of a summary one-hour trial on 11 August, just three days after fellow blogger Dinh Dang Dinh was given a six-year sentence (below).