• HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDER, ENEMY OF THE STATE - In Vietnam, all it takes to be defined as an enemy of the government is to raise human rights issues or speak out about politics. Espousing an alternative to the Communist Party’s social vision is to stand against the state. Those who defend freedom risk losing it. In an article of 10 March of last […]
  • Blogger Beaten on Leaving Court - 2012-11-21 : Police rough up a Vietnamese blogger after a court rejects his appeal against a jail sentence. (AFP) A Vietnamese internet user watches a blog video showing villagers clashing with police in a land dispute, May 7, 2012. A Vietnamese dissident blogger was beaten by police and violently herded into a truck on Wednesday after an […]
  • Abusing laws to jail a blogger in Vietnam - IMPUNITY CASE PROFILE The morning of 24 September 24 must have been an unforgettable for Binh Nhi, a 29-year-old who had just secretly traveled thousands of kilometres by train from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City.  Binh Nhi was caught by the police and was heavily beaten in custody. The wrong he committed was that […]
  • SUMMARY APPEAL HEARING UPHOLDS BLOGGER’S JAIL TERM - PUBLISHED ON TUESDAY 20 NOVEMBER 2012. UPDATED ON WEDNESDAY 21 NOVEMBER 2012. In yet another act of summary justice, a court in Dak Nong province took just 45 minutes today to confirm blogger Dinh Dang Dinh’s six-year jail sentence on appeal. Reporters Without Borders is appalled by the decision and calls on the international community to […]
  • Civil Society Denounces Adoption of Flawed ASEAN Human Rights Declaration - Last Update 20 November 2012 – AHRD falls far below international standards Disregarding the deep concerns expressed by senior United Nations officials, human rights experts and hundreds of civil society and grassroots organisations at the national, regional and international levels, ASEAN leaders nonetheless adopted yesterday an “ASEAN Human Rights Declaration” that undermines, rather than affirms, international human […]
  • Pillay encourages ASEAN to ensure Human Rights Declaration is implemented in accordance with international obligations - GENEVA (19 November) – The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay welcomed Monday the renewed commitment by ASEAN leaders to universal human rights norms, but expressed concern that the new ASEAN Human Rights Declaration (AHRD), adopted on 18 November, retains language that is not consistent with international standards. “The international human rights mechanisms […]
  • INTERNATIONAL DAY TO END IMPUNITY - 14 November 2012 – IFEX launches online game for Day to End Impunity campaign Each day from 1 to 23 November, we will reveal an individual who has been threatened, attacked or worse for expressing themselves. In all of the cases, the perpetrators have gone free. Read their stories. Take action. Help end impunity. Nguyen Hoang Vi (Blogger, Vietnam) […]
  • IFEX – Ngày Quốc Tế chấm dứt tình trạng tội ác không bị trừng phạt – INTERNATIONAL DAY TO END IMPUNITY - Mỗi ngày, từ ngày 01-23 tháng 11, chúng tôi sẽ tiết lộ một cá nhân đã bị đe dọa, tấn công hoặc tệ hơn nữa vì đã bày tỏ chính kiến. Trong tất cả các trường hợp, thủ phạm vẫn được tự do. Hãy đọc câu chuyện của họ. Hãy hành động. Trợ giúp để […]
  • ASEAN Approves Controversial Human Rights Declaration - Cambodia’s PM Hun Sen, left, with ASEAN Secretary-General Surin Pitsuwan after the ceremony for the adoption of the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration, during the ASEAN Summit in Phnom Penh, November 18, 2012. Irwin Loy. November 18, 2012 PHNOM PENH — Southeast Asian leaders have signed off on a controversial region-wide human rights declaration in what they say […]
  • Civil society rejects flawed ASEAN Human Rights Declaration - Thursday, 15 November 2012, Phnom Penh, Cambodia — Today, 65 grassroots, national, regional, and international civil society groups are calling upon ASEAN Member States to postpone the adoption of the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration, which is not worthy of its name. The organizations vow to reject the Declaration if it is adopted with its current text. […]