Vietnam Defends Imprisoning Three Activists on Fabricated Traffic Obstruction-Vu Quoc Ngu, Aug 29, 2014 Defend the Defenders The court found them guilty and the jail sentences given for them are needed to ensure national security, social order and peaceful environment for the people, the spokesman said at a press conference in Hanoi on Aug 28, two days after the People’s Court in the […]
An ninh mật vụ tông xe luật gia Nguyễn Bắc Truyển-VRNs | 29.08.2014 Chị Oanh Anna thông báo: “Xin thông báo tới mọi người, sau khi con gái tôi là cháu Hồng Ân đưa hai vợ chồng anh Bắc Truyển Nguyễn ra bến xe bus, thì cháu bị 3 tên an ninh đi theo dõi anh Bắc Truyển 24/24 hăm dọa đòi đánh chết. Tôi rất […]
VN “vi phạm quyền tự do đi lại”-BBC | 29/8/2014 Phiên tòa sơ thẩm hôm 26/8 đã kết án ba năm tù giam với bà Bùi Thị Minh Hằng, 2,5 năm tù giam với ông Nguyễn Văn Minh và 2 năm tù giam với bà Nguyễn Thị Thúy Quỳnh. Cả ba bị truy tố Tội “gây rối trật tự công cộng”, theo […]
US Alarmed as Vietnam Jails Dissidents for Blocking Traffic-Reuters | 28/8/2014 A court in southern Dong Thap province found them guilty of “causing public disorder” and handed out sentences of between two and three years, the latest sign of Vietnam’s zero-tolerance approach to dissent at a time when its communist rulers are seeking closer engagement with Western powers. Rights groups monitoring the one-day trial said the […]
Drop Arbitrary Charges Against Human Rights Activists-Force Change | 29/8/2014 Target: Truong Tan Sang, President of Vietnam Goal: Release three activists imprisoned under trumped-up charges Three Vietnamese activists are facing a possibility of seven years in prison after arbitrary traffic obstruction charges were laid against them. On their way to visit a former political prisoner, the three activists along with 18 others were […]
Vietnam Human Rights Sanctions Act supported by Westminster-By Tam Nguyen, Nguoi Viet | August 28, 2014 WESTMINSTER, Calif.- The City Council has voted unanimously to support the Vietnam Human Rights Sanctions Act. There was not an empty seat at City Hall on Wednesday as the Vietnamese community came to voice its support for the bill that was introduced by Rep. Ed Royce […]
Phóng viên Không biên giới: Blogger có tiếng tăm đã bị kết án ba năm tù-Bản dịch của [rollinglinks]Trang Thiên Long[/rollinglinks](DTD) RSF | 29/8/2014 Hai nhà hoạt động khác cũng bị xét xử với bà Hằng là Nguyễn Văn Minh và Nguyễn Thị Thúy Quỳnh, bị nhận án lần lượt 30 và 24 tháng tù. Cả ba bị kết tội “gây rối trật tự công cộng” theo các khoản (a) và […]
PROMINENT BLOGGER SENTENCED TO THREE YEARS IN PRISON-RSF | Aug 29, 2014 Two other activists who were tried with her, Nguyen Van Minh and Thi Thuy Quynh, were given jail terms of 30 and 24 months respectively. All three were convicted of “causing public disorder” under paragraphs (a) and (b) of article 245 of the penal code. The authorities deployed major security measures at the […]
Vietnam – Update: Human rights defender Ms Bui Thi Minh Hang sentenced to three years imprisonment-Frontline Defenders | 2014/8/28 Along with her, the court sentenced her fellow blogger Nguyen Thi Thuy Quynh to two-year imprisonment, and Nguyen Van Minh, a member of the Hao Hao Buddhist sect, received a two-and-a-half-year jail term. Ms Bui Thi Minh Hang was one of 21 people beaten and detained when they attempted to visit […]
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