• Cambodia Deports Four Ethnic Montagnards to Vietnam - RFA | Feb 25, 2015 “The police arrested them—I just received confirmation from the provincial police,” he said. “They deported them, but I didn’t ask for details because it is police business.” The move marks the second time this month that Cambodian authorities have deported a group of Montagnards to Vietnam’s Central Highlands after a […]
  • Vietnam always sticks to commitment to UN Charter’s principles: diplomat - TuoitreNews | UPDATED : 02/25/2015 16:35 GMT + 7 Guided by the purposes and principles of its Charter, the UN has developed to be truly universal and indispensable in coordinating international efforts to deal with global challenges, Ambassador Nga said in her statement at the event. The UN and its members have continuously worked to cope […]
  • Controversial Vietnamese Photo Taken Offline After Backlash - Colin Nguyen, VOA Vietnamese 24 February 2015 The image went viral on Vietnamese blogs, sparking heated debate on the morality of Vietnamese officials. Blogger Huynh Ngoc Chenh, the former managing editor at Thanh Nien, one of the most popular newspapers in Vietnam, said the public is shocked at the luxury seen in the photo. “It […]
  • Vietnam Human Right Defenders’ Weekly Feb 16-22: Chief-Editor of Nguoi Cao Tuoi Newspaper Dismissed and Probed - =========== Feb 16, 2015========== Nguoi Cao Tuoi Newspaper Chief-Editor Dismissed, Probed Vietnam’s Ministry of Information and Communication has dismissed Kim Quoc Hoa from the post chief-editor of the Nguoi Cao Tuoi (Elderly) newspaper while police investigation agency starts to probe him for allegation. The newspaper had posted a number of articles which accused many high-ranking […]
  • Tuần tin Người Bảo vệ Nhân quyền 16/2-22/2: Tổng biên tập báo Người cao Tuổi bị ngưng chức và truy tố - **** Ngày 16/2/2015 Vợ blogger Anh Ba Sàm “Tết này chồng tôi khó được về” Vợ của blogger Ba Sàm – Nguyễn Hữu Vinh cho rằng chính quyền ‘quyết tâm’ đem chồng bà ra xét xử, do đó khả năng ông được trở về nhà với gia đình trong dịp Tết nguyên đán này là […]
  • Statement by the Spokesperson on the ratification by Vietnam of two key human rights conventions - EEAS, Feb 13, 2015 Vietnam’s recent ratification of both the UN Convention Against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is a crucial and welcome step. The EU stands ready to assist Vietnam in the full implementation of these key human […]
  • Opinion: The ASEAN Way and Human Rights - Government views water down rights progress Posted on February 19, 2015 | Asia Sentinel In this contest, the national governmental discourse has significantly impacted the tone of democracy and human rights now etched onto key documents such as the ASEAN Charter, ASEAN Inter-Governmental Commission of Human Rights (AICHR) Terms of Reference (TOR) and ASEAN Human […]
  • Từ Anh Tú: dân oan Bắc Giang bị đánh ngày 29 Tết - CÁI BUỒN 29 TẾT Chiều nay đang chuẩn bị nấu bữa tối bỗng đọc được tin mấy người dân oan ở Bắc Giang bị ” côn đồ” truy sát, đánh đập rất tàn bạo. Mình vốn ít khi ở quê, thật ra lúc đầu cũng thoáng nghĩ. Sắp tết rồi chắc họ không sao, chắc […]
  • Vietnam Plays Up US Invitation to Communist Party Chief - Tra Mi -VOA | February 17, 2015 7:00 PM The news came after Trong received a similar invitation from China’s President Xi Jinping. In a statement, a U.S. State Department spokesperson confirmed the invitation but said Kerry was only repeating a long-standing offer to host Trong for a visit. The spokesperson added, “There is no confirmed date […]
  • THREE BLOGGERS GET JAIL TERMS FOR “ABUSING DEMOCRATIC FREEDOMS” - RSF| PUBLISHED ON TUESDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2015. The sentences, passed on 12 February, were clearly unjust and violated freedom of information and expression. Arrested while covering an anti-Chinese demonstration by South China Sea oil rig workers on 15 May, they were accused in connection with their Facebook posts (see here, here and here) about anti-Chinese […]