• to stop shutting down dissidents facebook pages based on fake reports from cyber trolls paid by Vietnamese government. - Vietnam Path Movement | July 17, 2014 These cyber trolls – pro-government commentators who are paid to support the authorities in online discussions created thousands of fake reports on such Facebook pages, labeling them as disseminating “hate speech” or “inappropriate content” in order to silence their voices on Facebook’s community. Their deceptive measures resulted in dozens […]
  • Đỗ Thị Minh Hạnh – Thư cảm ơn - DanLuan | 17/6/2014 Tôi là Đỗ Thị Minh Hạnh, xin gửi đến ban biên tập Dân luận lời cảm ơn của Minh Hạnh. Xin quý vị phổ biến giúp. Xin chân thành cảm ơn. Đỗ Thị Minh Hạnh Thư cảm ơn Kính gửi: – Các vị dân biểu, đại diện các cơ quan ngoại giao […]
  • Calls for Stronger US Position on China in South China Sea - Men Kimseng | VOA | 15 July 2014 Tensions have increased in the sea, a major international shipping lane, where China has begun oil and gas exploration, despite overlapping claims to sections of the sea by Vietnam and others. House Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Michigan), says China is employing a strategy of “death by a thousand cuts” against […]
  • The government treats a sick detainee’s medical records like a state secret - Dr. T.K. TRAN, MD | 16/7/2014 (Defend the Defenders) The Case of Mr. Dinh Dăng Dinh (1963-2014) A patient’s medical records were treated as if they were a state secret After his diagnosis, government agencies kept Mr. Dinh and his family in the dark about his illness. The family’s request for the medical records was […]
  • Blogging for a Future Democracy: The Story of Anh Ba Sam - Pham Doan Trang | The Source | July 14, 2014 A sudden raid–and the “urgent arrest,” as the police put it– is a technique regularly practiced by the security forces in Vietnam in order to suppress political dissent. In Vinh’s case, they have achieved this–for now. Two of the websites that he was managing at the […]
  • Social Media Censorship in Vietnam - Saadia Gardezi | IDG |on July 14 2014 In fact today, rather than being united in terms of peace, military cooperation and commerce, the vision of a single ASEAN community, is united over the heavy regulation of the media. In Vietnam specifically, many sites are blocked. These include sites of expatriate political parties, international human rights organizations, […]
  • July 7-13 Defender’s Weekly: Vietnam human rights situation is worsening - Defend the Defenders | 14/7/2014 Defenders’ Weekly **********7/7/2014********** Concerns raised about policemen beat people violating traffic rules, causing serious injures for them At 9am in Nhi Chau ward in Hai Duong city, there was a traffic accident on which Do Hai Nam, born in 1970, suffered serious injures and was hospitalized for emergency. Witnesses said that […]
  • Tuần tin người bảo vệ nhân quyền 7/7 – 13/7/2014: Tình hình nhân quyền ở VN đang trở nên tệ hại hơn - Defend the Defenders | 14/7/2014 Defenders’ Weekly *********7/7/2014********** Phẫn nộ những vụ CSGT đánh, đuổi trọng thương người vi phạm Vào khoảng 9 giờ ngày 2/7, tại đường chân cầu vượt Phú Lương – phường Nhị Châu, TP. Hải Dương xảy ra một vụ tai nạn giao thông khiến nạn nhân phải nhập viện cấp cứu. […]
  • Điều trần về bức cung, nhục hình - NLD | 13/07/2014 Phóng viên: Những cơ quan nào sẽ được mời tham gia phiên điều trần, thưa ông?– Ông Nguyễn Đình Quyền: Sẽ có 3 cơ quan tố tụng gồm Bộ Công an, VKSND Tối cao và TAND Tối cao. Phiên điều trần sẽ xem xét chức năng giám đốc của TAND Tối cao; […]
  • WHY THE TRANS-PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP IS A NON-STARTER - Pham Doan Trang | Lao Dong Viet | 13/7/2014 Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for inviting me here to speak about labor rights violations in Viet Nam, and why the TPP should be a non-starter. On June 26, labor right activist Do Thi Minh Hanh, 29, was released from prison, and this is good news. […]