• Vietnam: Release of woman labour rights activist positive but scores remain behind bars - Amnesty International | 30 June 2014 Hanh, 28, was released on 26 June by Vietnamese authorities and arrived home yesterday. She had been imprisoned for seven years in 2010 for “conducting propaganda against the state”, after handing out leaflets in support of workers demanding better pay and conditions. “We are of course delighted that Do Thi […]
  • Equitisation of State-owned enterprises discussed - vovnews | June 30, 2014 Professor Le Quoc, Deputy Director of the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics and Public Administrations (HCMA), emphasized that SOE restructuringshould pay attention to operation of different sectors and businesses, with a focus on economic groups, adding they should strictly prohibited from expanding beyond their core business areas. According to a Government […]
  • June 22-29 Defender’s Weekly: Prisoner of Conscience Do Thi Minh Hanh released -   Defend the Defenders | 30/6/2014 Defenders’ Weekly   **********23/6/2014********** Vietnam still ranked the second in the world on human trafficking According to the recent report of the U.S. State Department, Vietnam was listed the second in the world on human trafficking in 2014. The annual report said the Vietnamese government has efforts to deal with […]
  • Tuần tin người bảo vệ nhân quyền 22/6 – 29/6/2014: Tù nhân lương tâm Đỗ Thị Minh Hạnh được trả tự do - Defend the Defenders | 30/6/2014 Defenders’ Weekly **********23/6/2014********** Việt Nam vẫn ở bậc 2 về nạn buôn người trên thế giới Việt Nam vẫn ở bậc 2 trong phúc trình về nạn buôn người trên thế giới năm 2014 của Bộ Ngoại Giao Hoa Kỳ, vừa công bố ở Washington. Theo phúc trình thường niên này, […]
  • ADDENDUM: 182 recommendations supported by Vietnam UPR 2014 - 1.Continue efforts to ratify international human rights instruments, to which Viet Nam is not yet a party (Nicaragua)/ Consider signing and ratifying the main international human rights treaties (Albania)/Continue its accession to international human rights treaties (Azerbaijan)/Ratify international instruments to which Viet Nam is not yet a party (Niger); 2.In its implementation of Constitution article […]
  • ADDENDUM: 45 recommendations rejected by Vietnam UPR 2014 - 5.Consider ratifying the Second Optional Protocol to ICCPR aiming at the abolition of the death penalty (Djibouti); 6.Ratify the Second Optional Protocol to ICCPR aiming at the abolition of the death penalty (Portugal, Uruguay); 7.Consider ratifying the Optional Protocol to ICESCR (Spain)/Sign and ratify the Optional Protocol to ICESCR (Portugal); 8.Ratify the First Optional Protocol […]
  • Trình tự Xét xử công minh (16)- Phần 2: Quyền con người trong phiên tòa- Chương 15 – Sự suy đoán vô tội - Bản dịch của [rollinglinks]Vũ Quốc Ngữ[/rollinglinks] (Defend the Defenders) Nguồn: Amnesty International 15.1 Giả định vô tội 15.2 Trách nhiệm và tiêu chuẩn của bằng chứng 15.3 Bảo vệ sự suy đoán vô tội trong thực tế 15.4 Sau khi tuyên bố trắng án _____________________ 15.1 Giả định vô tội Mọi người đều có quyền được coi là […]
  • ADDENDUM: 227 recommendations to Vietnam UPR 2014 - Continue efforts to ratify international human rights instruments, to which Viet Nam is not yet a party (Nicaragua)/ Consider signing and ratifying the main international human rights treaties (Albania)/Continue its accession to international human rights treaties (Azerbaijan)/Ratify international instruments to which Viet Nam is not yet a party (Niger); In its implementation of Constitution article […]
  • UN Human Rights Council rejects attempts to dilute Internet freedoms - ARTICLE 19  | 27 June 2014  “Around the globe, the Internet is the front line in the contest for civic space,” said Thomas Hughes, Executive Director of ARTICLE 19. “The Human Rights Council’s adoption of this resolution by consensus will be critical in our battle to secure Internet freedoms, including freedom of expression, association, assembly […]
  • Council extends mandates on extreme poverty, international solidarity, independence of judges, and trafficking in persons - Human Rights Council |  26 June 2014 The Human Rights Council this morning adopted nine texts in which it extended the mandates of the Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, the Independent Expert on human rights and international solidarity, the Special Rapporteur on the independance of judges and lawyers, and the Special Rapporteur […]