• Vietnamese Lawyer and Blogger Le Quoc Quan on Hunger Strike -   ARTICLE 19, 13 Feb 2014 Jailed Vietnamese blogger and human rights lawyer Le Quoc Quan has launched a hunger strike to protest the refusal by prison authorities to provide him access to legal counsel, access to legal and religious books, and access to a priest for spiritual guidance, ahead of his appeal trial on 18 […]
  • Open letter: The EU-Vietnam Free trade Agreement and the vote in the European Parliament this 13th of February - FIDH – Last Update 12 February 2014 Brussels, 12 February 2014 Dear Members of the European Parliament, INTA commission, In the context of the current negotiation regarding an EU-Vietnam Free trade agreement, FIDH wishes to insist on the necessity to take the human rights situation in Vietnam into account. The concerns regarding freedom of expression, […]
  • Writer Huynh Ngoc Tuan is stoned by plain-clothed police - At 7:30 PM, Feb 11, 2014 writer Huynh Ngoc Tuan’s house was stoned in Tam Ky city, Quang Nam province. He was hearing the sound of motorbikes coming and then the rumble of stones, bricks over his roof. Luckily they missed him seating nearby. When he opened the door, motorbikes ran away. Neighbors said that […]
  • RSF World press freedom index 2014: Asia-Pacific - CHINESE BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING, AND EXPORTING ITS METHODS In a speech shortly after his appointment as Communist Party general secretary in November 2012, Xi Jinping addressed journalists directly: “Friends from the press, China needs to learn more about the world, and the world also needs to learn more about China. I hope you will […]
  • Vietnamese Dissident Arrested in Violent House Raid - RFA, 2014-2-10 Hundreds of armed Vietnamese police and government agents fired gunshots and stormed a residence to detain a dissident rights lawyer at the weekend, just days after Hanoi came under fire at the U.N. for muzzling dissent in the one-party communist state, according to his fiancee and rights groups. Nguyen Bac Truyen, a former […]
  • Members of Congress Call for the Release of Imprisoned Vietnamese Labor Activists - Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission February 10, 2014 His Excellency Truong Tan Sang President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam c/o Embassy of Vietnam 1233 20lh Street NW, Suite 400 Washington, DC 20036 Dear President Sang: We write to express our serious concern about the imprisonment and mistreatment of independent labor activists in Vietnam. Such […]
  • RSF: THUMBING NOSE AT UN, VIETNAM BEATS BLOGGERS - PUBLISHED ON TUESDAY 11 FEBRUARY 2014. Reporters Without Borders is shocked by the violence that plainclothes police officers used today against bloggers and activists in the southern province of Dong Thap. Eight people – including the blogger Bui Thi Minh Hang, the netizen Luu Trong Kiet and two former political prisoners – were arrested as they headed to […]
  • Imprisoned Catholic lawyer on hunger strike. Human Rights groups pressure Hanoi - by HT | Le Quoc Quan is protesting against authority’s refusal to grant him access to legal and religious texts, including the Bible. Since December 2012, he has not been allowed visits from a priest. On His appeal begins February 18, he will defend himself. Vice – Minister of Vietnam: Hanoi respects human rights. International […]
  • Vietnam Should End Harassment of Human Rights Activists - February 10, 2014 Freedom House condemns the police raid February 9 on the home of Vietnamese human rights defender Nguyen Bac Truyen, and the brief detention of both Nguyen and his fiancé, Bui Thi Kim Phuong. The raid came just days after the Government of Vietnam received recommendations from the United Nations Human Rights Council […]
  • DEFENDING FREEDOM OF INFORMATION IN VIETNAM AT THE UN - PUBLISHED ON FRIDAY 7 FEBRUARY 2014. Reporters Without Borders participated in a series of meetings and conferences on Vietnam on 3 and 4 February ahead of Vietnam’s Universal Periodic Review (an examination of its human rights performance) by the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva. “Together with other groups, we evaluated the human rights situation in […]