• Nguyen Phuong Uyen: Vietnamese authorities have lied blatantly - Binh Thuan, 7 Dec, 2013  (Tell the World) After receiving the expulsion decision from HCM City University of Food Industry (HUFI), I feel concerned about issues of honor and dignity on my part. I am afraid that my relationship with friends and people surroundings will deteriorate drastically because of the school’s administration propaganda by stating […]
  • Nguyễn Phương Uyên: Nhà cầm quyền đã nói dối một cách trắng trợn - Bình Thuận, ngày 7/12/2013 (Tell the World). Sau khi nhận được quyết định buộc thôi học từ nhà trường tôi cảm thấy quan ngại về vấn đề danh dự và nhân phẩm của tôi. Tôi e rằng các quan hệ bạn bè của tôi sẽ xấu đi rất nhiều vì sự tuyên truyền buộc thôi […]
  • To be admitted as a member of the united nations Council of Human rights, the vietnamese government in power has undertook the 14 voluntary pledgees - I. Promotion and protection of human rights at the national, regional and international levels. II. Viet Nam’s voluntary commitments as a member of the Human Rights Council. 1. Adopt policies and measures and increase resources to better ensure all fundamental economic, social, cultural, civil and political human rights in line with internationally recognized norms. 2. […]
  • Student Nguyen Phuong Uyen was expelled from her university - SOCIALIST REPUBLIC of VIETNAM Independence – Liberty – Happiness Ho Chi Minh City, November 29, 2013 Ministry of Industry and Trade University of Food Industry Ho Chi Minh City Number: 1936/QD-DCT DECISION Expulsion from School  RECTOR of The University of Food Industry, Ho Chi Minh City  Pursuant to the decision number 2363 QD of May […]
  • UN Rights Tribunal Calls for Release of Vietnamese Blogger Activist - Article19 | 02 Dec 2013 The detention of Vietnamese blogger, lawyer and human rights activist, Le Quoc Quan, has been condemned by a United Nations human rights tribunal as violating his right to freedom of expression and his right to a fair trial. The UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, a tribunal set up under the […]
  • Vietnam Drops Terrorism Probe Against Jailed Student Activist - VOA News | December 03, 2013 The family of a jailed Vietnamese activist says authorities have decided to drop a year-long investigation into ‘terrorism’ charges against him. Dinh Nguyen Kha’s brother says they learned of the decision during a recent visit with him in prison where he is serving a four-year sentence for anti-state propaganda. Dinh […]
  • SILENCED VOICES: PRISONERS OF CONSCIENCE IN VIET NAM -   Amnesty International Publications | 2013 CONTENTS 1. Introduction and Summary…………………………………………………………….. 5 2. Legal framework ………………………………………………………………………… 7 2.1 International legal obligations ……………………………………………………. 7 2.2 The Constitution …………………………………………………………………….. 8 2.3 A range of repressive laws and decrees……………………………………….. 9 3. Human rights violations against peaceful activists ……………………………….. 11 3.1 Arrest and pre-trial detention ……………………………………………………. 11 3.2 Unfair […]
  • Declaration on The Founding of Vietnamese Women for Human Rights - Vietnamese Women for Human Rights November 25, 2013 Until the 21st century – the era of knowledge and liberty and democracy, Vietnam remains a country with a thick dossier on human rights abuses. Human rights are considered an important milestone to measure the level of civilization and is a prerequisite to create spiritual well being […]
  • Hội Đồng Toàn Quốc các Luật sư Đoàn tại Pháp (Conseil National des Barreaux) đòi trả tự do cho luật sư LÊ QUỐC QUÂN - Bản dịch của Ca Dao Defend the Defenders Ngày 15/11/2013 Hội Đồng Toàn Quốc Các Luật Sư Đoàn tại Pháp , trong đại hội đồng nhóm họp ngày 15/11/ 2013 (tại Paris ): -Phản đối việc toà án Nhân dân Hà nội ngày 2/10/2013 đã kết án ông Lê Quốc Quân, luật sư và bloggeur Viện […]
  • LE CONSEIL NATIONAL DES BARREAUX EXIGE LA LIBÉRATION DE LE QUOC QUAN, AVOCAT AU VIETNAM - Adoptée à l’unanimité par l’Assemblée générale du Conseil National des Barreaux du 15 novembre 2013 * * Le Conseil national des barreaux, réuni en Assemblée générale le 15 novembre 2013, S’élève contre la condamnation, le 2 octobre 2013 par la Cour populaire de Hanoi, de Le Quoc Quan, avocat et bloggeur vietnamien, à trente mois […]