• Vietnam – Prison sentences handed down to human rights defenders (January 11, 2013) - Political relations France condemns the heavy prison sentences handed down on 9 January to 14 human rights defenders by the People’s Court of Nghe An Province in Vietnam. Several similar decisions have been taken by the Vietnamese authorities in recent months. Such decisions are a serious attack on human rights, particularly the freedom of opinion […]
  • Vietnam Continues Crackdown on Free Speech with Conviction of 14 Activists - Freedom House condemns the conviction of 14 human rights defenders in Vietnam and calls for their immediate release and for the release of other jailed free speech advocates. Their conviction is the latest in an intensified attack by the government on those seeking to exercise their right to free speech, and their trial was one […]
  • UN human rights office concerned over convictions of 14 activists in Vietnam - 11 January 2013 – The United Nations human rights office has expressed serious concern over the convictions and sentencing of 14 political activists in Vietnam for subversive activities.
  • RWB CAN PROVE INNOCENCE OF CONVICTED BLOGGER PAULUS LE SON - PUBLISHED ON FRIDAY 11 JANUARY 2013 – Reporters Without Borders is appalled at the groundless verdict handed down yesterday by a court in northern city of Vinh against eight bloggers and cyber dissidents. They were among a total of 14 Catholic activists sentenced to between three and 13 years’ imprisonment. The press freedom organization is […]
  • Vietnam: Release Convicted Activists - Drop Charges Against Blogger Le Quoc Quan     January 9, 2013 (New York) – The conviction and prison sentences of 14 activists by the People’s Court of Nghe An province on January ­­­9, 2012, marks a sharp escalation of government attacks on critics. The convictions of the 14 should be quashed immediately, as should […]
  • Article 19: Press Release - 09 Jan 2013 Vietnam: Conviction of thirteen pro-democracy activists is an abuse of fundamental rights ARTICLE 19 condemns the jailing of thirteen pro-democracy activists in Vietnam and calls on the authorities to release them immediately. The men and women were convicted of “carrying out activities aimed at overthrowing the people’s administration” under Article 79 of […]
  • Amnesty International: Press releases - 9 January 2013 Viet Nam: Release 13 activists jailed on baseless charges, stop crackdown on dissidents The conviction and heavy sentencing of 13 peaceful Catholic activists in Viet Nam today flies in the face of justice and is part of an escalating government crackdown on freedom of expression, Amnesty International said.
  • Bloggers imprisoned in mass sentencing in Vietnam - Vietnamese activists and bloggers stand for sentencing in court. (AFP/Vietnam News Agency) Bangkok, January 9, 2013–At least five independent bloggers were sentenced today to harsh jail terms in Vietnam, according to local and international news reports. The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns this move and calls on Vietnamese authorities to reverse the charges on appeal […]
  • Statement on the Conviction of 14 Redemptorist Bloggers in Nghe An Province - Jannuary 9, 2013 – We are deeply troubled by reports that the Supreme People’s Court of Nghe An Province convicted 14 Catholic Redemptorist bloggers on charges related to their exercise of their rights to freedom of expression. These bloggers were convicted of “subversion of the administration” (Article 79) and sentenced to prison terms ranging from […]
  • Vietnamese blogger reports sexual assault by officials - January 7, 2013 10:57 AM ET – By Shawn W. Crispin / CPJ Southeast Asia Representative – Vietnam’s crackdown on independent bloggers hit a new low in recent days with reports of sexual violence perpetrated by state officials against a prominent online reporter. In a disturbing first person account posted Friday to the Danlambao collective […]