Pastor Quang and His Son Brutally Attacked Again in Vietnam

pastor quang

Earlier this year, Pastor Quang and a colleague experienced a brutal assault in broad daylight near their Bible college. The institution has been the target of several serious attacks which sources believe is part of a strategic plan by Communist security forces to oppose their freedom of religion.

Danutm | Apr 04, 2015

As I have written HERE, I have met Mennonite Pastor Nguyen Hong Quang during my second visit to Saigon, Vietnam, in 2005. He reminded me a lot of  Pastor Pavel Nicolescu, leand of ALRC (the Romanian Committee for the Defence of the Freedom of Religion and Conscience), whom I knew in Romania, in the seventies.

Voice of the Martyrs Canada has just published a news item on new persecution Pastor Quang and his family and congregations are submitted to by the brutal communist regime in Vietnam.

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Pastor Nguyen Hong Quang and his son Nguyen Quang Trieu were recently attacked by a group of seven young men while uniformed police looked on and did nothing to prevent the assault from happening. An additional 20 thugs joined the original attackers in the beating which took place at the church of the victimized Christians. Two other pastors tried to intervene by helping the victims but were also hurt in the process. Pastor Quang suffered several injuries, including a broken finger, a cut eyelid, as well as wounds to his face. His son also sustained various injuries.

Earlier this year, Pastor Quang and a colleague experienced a brutal assault in broad daylight near their Bible college. The institution has been the target of several serious attacks which sources believe is part of a strategic plan by Communist security forces to oppose their freedom of religion. (For more information on this incident, visit our website.)

Please bring this injured pastor and his son to our Lord Jesus in prayer, asking Him to surround them both with His peace and comfort as they recover from this brutal assault. May their hearts not be consumed by fear but instead with an even greater faith so they can continue entrusting their very lives to Him. Also pray that religious freedom will be upheld for Christians and other minorities in Vietnam.

To learn more about the persecuted church in Vietnam, visit our website.