• Vietnam Arrests 65-Year-Old Blogger for Posting ‘Bad Content’ - VICE NEWS | Dec 02, 2014 The Vietnamese government arrested a 65-year-old blogger Saturday for allegedly publishing “bad content that decreases trust in state agencies,” in a move demonstrating the regime’s increasing crackdown on online content in the Southeast Asian country. For the past three years, Hong Le Tho has been posting both English and French language entries […]
  • VIETNAM CSOs’ MESSAGE on INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS DAY – Dec 10, 2014 - Defend The Defenders | Dec 01, 2014 Translation by [rollinglinks]Trang Thien Long[/rollinglinks] Tell The World. The authorities of Communist dictatorship in Hanoi have restricted or deprived of the fundamental human rights of Vietnamese people  set forth in the Universal Declaration on Human Rights and in the International Covenants on Civil rights, Political, Cultural, Economic and Social […]
  • THÔNG ĐIỆP XÃ HỘI DÂN SỰ VIỆT NAM NGÀY QUỐC TẾ NHÂN QUYỀN 10-12-2014 - Defend The Defenders | 01/12/2014 Nhà cầm quyền cộng sản độc tài độc đảng tại Hà Nội đã và đang hạn chế hay tước bỏ mọi nhân quyền của toàn dân Việt Nam được nêu ra trong Tuyên ngôn Nhân quyền Quốc tế và hai Công ước Quốc tế về các quyền dân sự, chính […]
  • Vietnam detains blogger for ‘bad’ content - REUTERS | Nov 30, 2014 Vietnamese police have detained a blogger for posting “bad content” about the state, the latest move in a crackdown on dissent that has been condemned by rights groups and Western governments. Hong Le Tho, 65, was detained for “posting online articles with bad content and false information that discredit and […]
  • ‘Ông Thọ có nhiều cống hiến cho đất nước’ - BBC | 30/11/2014 Ông Hồng Lê Thọ, chủ blog ‘Người lót gạch’, vừa bị công an bắt giam vào tối thứ Bảy ngày 29/11 tại Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh để điều tra về tội ‘Lợi dụng các quyền tự do dân chủ xâm phạm lợi ích của Nhà nước’ theo điều 258 Bộ luật […]
  • Vietnam Human Rights Defenders’ Weekly- Nov 24- 31: Mennonite Church Continuously Harassed - Defenders’ Weekly | Nov 30, 2014 ********24/11/2014******** Hanoi Court Uphold Imprisonments for Three Duong Noi Village after Illegally Seizing Their Land The People’s Court in Ha Dong district in Hanoi on Nov 25 held an appeal hearing for three farmers in Duong Noi villages who were accused of conducting activities against on-duty state officials when […]
  • Tuần tin người bảo vệ nhân quyền 24/11-30/11/2014: HỘI THÁNH MENNONITE ĐỘC LẬP TIẾP TỤC BỊ SÁCH NHIỄU - Defenders’ Weekly | 30/11/2014 ********24/11/2014******** Xét xử 3 dân oan Dương Nội: “Bắt người vô tội, cướp đất là một tội ác!” Hà Nội, ngày 25/11/2014 diễn ra phiên tòa phúc thẩm xét xử 3 dân oan Dương gồm bà Cấn Thị Thêu, Ông Trịnh Bá Khiêm và Ông Lê Văn Thanh. Anh Trịnh Bá […]
  • Vietnam Needs to License Rights Protection Groups: Expert - by KTT, Nov 27, 2014 Defend the Defenders The government should allow the operation of organizations specialized in protecting people’s rights, economist Nguyen Quang A said in an interview with the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). Those who protect different rights of human beings should be eligible to work in the country regarding their range of […]
  • Foreign Diplomats Meet Vietnam Prodemocracy Activists - by KTT, Nov 26, 2014 Defend the Defenders On Nov 21, Germany’s Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel, who is also chairman of the Social Democratic Party of Germany, met a group of five activists on the sidelines of the 14th Asia-Pacific Conference of German Businesses (APK) in Ho Chi Minh City. On the same day, the […]
  • Vietnam Rights Conference Goes Ahead Despite Police Harassment - RFA | Nov 26, 2014 Vietnamese rights activists and foreign diplomats went ahead with a planned human rights conference in Hanoi on Wednesday, defying efforts by police to harass and intimidate event organizers, sources said. The conference, titled “U.N. Protection Mechanisms for Human Rights Defenders in Vietnam,” was held at the Thai Ha church in […]