• Hà Nội: Giảm án cho 2 đối tượng chống người thi hành công vụ - Vietnamplus | 25/11/2014 Ba bị cáo cùng tội gồm: Trịnh Bá Khiêm, sinh năm 1958, trú tại tổ Trung Bình, phường Dương Nội, quận Hà Đông, Hà Nội; Cấn Thị Thêu, sinh năm 1962, là vợ bị cáo Khiêm; Lê Văn Thanh, sinh năm 1965, trú tại tổ Quyết Tiến, phường Dương Nội, quận Hà […]
  • JOURNALIST BEATEN UNCONSCIOUS BY EIGHT POLICEMEN - RSF | Nov 25, 2014 Freelance journalist Truong Minh Duc is still in a critical condition in Hoan My Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City, where he was taken after being beaten unconscious by policemen in Thu Dau Mot, a town 20 km to the north, on the morning of 2 November. Reporters Without Borders […]
  • The High Price Of Freedom In Vietnam -   PRESS FREEDOM, | Nov 24, 2014 Bloggers in Vietnam are severely repressed. A month ago, one of the country’s most popular bloggers was set free, only to be immediately deported to the US. He talks to DW about his experiences and plans for the future. Vietnamese blogger Nguyen Van Hai is known by […]
  • Vietnam Human Rights Defenders’ Weekly Nov 17-23: Vietnamese Political Dissidents Meet with Visiting German Vice Chancellor - Defenders’ Weekly | Nov 23, 2014 ********17/11/2014*******  Former Political Prisoner Chu Manh Son Protests Torture  Nghe An-based former political prisoner Chu Manh Son has joined a campaign launched by the Former Vietnamese Prisoners of Conscience (FVPoC) protesting torture and harassment of Vietnamese security forces against Vietnamese activists and ordinary citizens. He urged domestic and international […]
  • Tuần tin người bảo vệ nhân quyền 17/11-23/11/2014: Những nhà bất đồng chính kiến Việt Nam gặp Phó Thủ Tướng Đức. - Defend The Defenders | 23/11/2014 ********17/11/2014******* CTNLT CHU MẠNH SƠN Phản Đối Chống Tra Tấn Bạo Hành CTNLT Chu Mạnh Sơn cho biết anh không hối hận khi đã chọn theo con đường đấu tranh nhân quyền, đòi tự do dân chủ cho người dân. Anh hoạt động với mục đích là đòi lại quyền […]
  • LỄ CẦU AN CHO CỤ HỘI TRƯỞNG GIÁO HỘI TRUNG ƯƠNG PHẬT GIÁO HÒA HẢO THUẦN TÚY. - CTNLT | 21/11/2014 Theo nguồn tin từ ông Lê Văn Sóc, Phó Hội trưởng Trung ương GH PGHH TT cho biết : Tuần qua cụ Lê Quang Liêm  HT GH TƯ PGHH TT thọ bệnh vì tuổi già sức yếu. GH PGHH THUẦN TÚY các tỉnh thành đồng loạt tổ chức lễ cầu an cho […]
  • Four U.S. Congressmen Urge Vietnam to Release Prominent Blogger - by Vu Quoc Ngu, Nov 21, 2014 Defend the Defenders In their letter dated Nov 19, members of Congress Zoe Lofgren, Chris Smith, Loretta Sanchez and Alan Lowenthal said they are concerned about the increasing use of vague and draconian measures like Article 258 to arrest bloggers and other peaceful activists. They advise the communist […]
  • At Home and Around the World, Supporters Demand Justice for Vietnamese Blogger Dang Xuan Dieu - | Nov 18, 2014 A grassroots campaign is underway in support of Dang Xuan Dieu, a blogger and community organizer held virtually incommunicado since 2011. Little was known about Dieu’s condition until a fellow inmate was released in early October. Speaking with Radio Free Asia, Truong Minh Tam recounted Dieu’s experience in solitary confinement, where […]
  • Stop Torture and Violence in Vietnam - Huynh Thuc Vy | Nov 18, 2014 Tell The World. I am Huynh Thuc Vy, a dissident blogger, a human rights defender in Vietnam. While I am sharing these words with you, torture and violence against civilians, especially dissidents still continue and get more serious. The universal principles: Freedom, Democracy and Human rights are “luxurious […]
  • Human Rights Defenders’ Weekly Nov 10-16: Prisoner of Conscience Ngo Hao Claims Unfairly Imprisoned - Defenders’ Weekly | 17/11/2014 Defend the Defenders **********10/11/2014********* Protestant Mennonite Church in My Phuoc Commune in Binh Duong Province Attacked by Police, Mobs Recently, the Protestant Mennonite Church in My Phuoc commune in Binh Duong province has been attacked continuously by local police and thugs, with increasing number of attackers and severity. Some church’s pastors […]