• Vietnam consults on human rights, democracy issues ahead of IPU-132 -   Tuoitrenews | Mar 07, 2015 The Content Subcommittee of the 132nd Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union that will take place in Vietnam from  March 28 and April 1 held a seminar in Hanoi on Friday to seek consultation on issues to be discussed by the IPU’s Standing Committee on Democracy and Human Rights (SCDHR). […]
  • Statement of Vietnam: Dr. Pham Quoc Tru, Ambassador at the Interactive Dialogue with the High Commissioner on Human Rights - Therefore, we regret that the High Commissioner, possibly based on unreliable and unverifiable information, has made negative comments in his presentation at the Council today on some questions related to Vietnam. While there is room for further improvement, our pledges and achievements on human rights have been recognised and encouraged by the international community. Nevertheless, […]
  • Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Annual report 2015 - OHCHR | Mar 03, 2015 Opening Statement, Item 2, High Commissioner’s Annual Report Mr. President, Excellencies, Colleagues and Friends, It is an honour to present to you the work of my Office over the course of 2014. The Annual Report that has been made available gives an overview of OHCHR’s efforts to translate human rights […]
  • Cambodia: End refoulement of Montagnard asylum seekers - Amnesty International | Mar 04, 2015, Index number: ASA 23/1126/2015 Following Cambodia’s recent forced return of at least 45 indigenous minority Montagnards to Viet Nam, Amnesty International calls on the Cambodian authorities to immediately refrain from further violations of the principle of non-refoulement. The organization calls also on the government of Viet Nam to refrain […]
  • Vietnam supports increased UNHRC cooperation - VOV | Mar 04, 2015 Vietnam supports dialogue and cooperation between countries to promote the principles of international law and unanimity and restrict confrontation and imposition at the United Nations Human Rights Council  (UNHRC). Foreign Minister Nguyen Quoc Cuong Vietnam delegation head made the statement at the 28th UNHRC session in Geneva. Cuong highlighted the […]
  • Power shifts in Vietnam’s political system - By Le Hong Hiep, ISEAS Eastasiaforum | Mar 05, 2015 In recent years the power of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) has increased dramatically. If this trend continues, it may bear important implications for Vietnam’s political outlook. The Central Committee’s increasing power became evident in October 2012, when the Committee […]
  • VN declares role on human rights - Vietnamnews | Mar 05, 2015 GENEVA (VNS) — Viet Nam has spoken out about its role at the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC). Head of the Vietnamese delegation, Deputy Foreign Minister Nguyen Quoc Cuong, said his nation supported dialogues and co-operation, upheld international law, promoted consensus, and worked to reduce confrontation and impositions of […]
  • Vietnam’s Communists Conjure with the Internet - By David Brown Asiasentinel | Mar 03, 2015 The leaders of Vietnam’s Communist Party are groping for answers on whether Facebook is a mortal threat to the party’s grip on power or if it is a new opportunity to communicate with the country’s 90 million citizens. As the party begins a highly political year, with […]
  • Contribution of parliaments to the work of the Human Rights Council and its universal periodic review - OHCHR | June 23, 2014 Human Rights Council Twenty-sixth session Agenda item 5 Human rights bodies and mechanisms Angola,* Australia,* Austria, Bolivia (Plurinational State of),* Bosnia and Herzegovina,* Botswana, Bulgaria,* Colombia,* Denmark,* Ecuador,* El Salvador,* France, Georgia,* Germany, Greece,* Guatemala,* Honduras,* Hungary,* Ireland, Israel,* Italy, Lebanon,* Lithuania,* Luxembourg,* Maldives, Montenegro, Morocco, Paraguay,* Republic of Moldova,* Romania, […]
  • Human Rights Council hears from 30 dignitaries as it continues its High-Level Segment - Human Rights Council OHCHR | Mar 03, 2015 The Human Rights Council this afternoon continued its High-Level Segment, hearing statements from 30 dignitaries who spoke about their concerns regarding the situation in a number of countries and regions around the world and outlined some of their national policies for the promotion and protection of human […]