• Hai tù nhân lương tâm vừa được ra tù - GiaMinh, RFA | 2/11/2014 Tù nhân lương tâm Trần Hữu Đức, sinh năm 1988, người bị kết án 39 tháng tù giam với cáo buộc ‘tuyên truyền chống nhà nước theo điều 88 Bộ Luật hình sự’ hôm nay 2 tháng 11 mãn hạn tù. Sau khi từ trại giam Phú Sơn 4 ở Thái […]
  • I ALWAYS YELL “WHY YOU BEAT ME?” - Translation by [rollinglinks]Trang Thien Long[/rollinglinks] (DTD) Tell The World. About 7PM Oct 29, 2014, I and the religious activist Le Van Soc went to Duc Trong district, Lam Dong province to visit the land rights activist Duong Au, who ended his jail term of five years last month. As soon as we entered the house, a […]
  • Vietnam: Dang Xuan Dieu in danger due to gross mistreatment in prison - English PEN PRESS RELEASE October 27, 2014 Life of Vietnamese Activist in Danger Due to Gross Mistreatment in Prison The  Vietnamese  government  should  immediately  cease  the  ill- treatment,  physical  and  psychological  abuse  of  Dang  Xuan  Dieu   while  in  arbitrary  detention. News  reports  of Dang Xuan  Dieu (1) being  forced  to  sleep  and  eat  next  to  […]
  • Vietnam – Human rights defender Mr Dang Xuan Dieu severely mistreated in prison - Frontline Defenders | 15/10/2014 Prior to his arrest in July 2011 Dang Xuan Dieu was an engineer and community leader, providing access to education for poor students and assistance to typhoon victims. He was a contributing journalist for Vietnam Redemptorist News. On 9 January 2013, after two years of pre-trial detention, Dang Xuan Dieu was […]
  • Trình tự Xét xử công minh (28)- Phần 3: Những trường hợp đặc biệt - Người dịch: Vũ Quốc Ngữ Defend the Defenders Nguồn Amnesty International Chương 28- Những trường hợp bị kết án tử hình (phần 1) Tổ chức Ân xá quốc tế phản đối án tử hình trong mọi trường hợp, vì nó vi phạm quyền được sống và là sự trừng phạt tàn bạo, vô nhân đạo […]
  • Six Vietnamese Police Officers Indicted for Torture Leading to Suspect Death -  by Vu Quoc Ngu, Oct 29, 2014 Defend the Defenders After a long investigation, the Supreme People’s Procuracy charged senior lieutenant Pham Ngoc Man, junior lieutenant Nguyen Than Thao Thanh, lieutenant Do Nhu Huy and major Nguyen Tan Quang of conducting corporal punishment under Article 298 of the Criminal Code for beating theft suspect Ngo […]
  • Vietnamese Writer-Activist Tortured in Detention - PEN International | October 27, 2014 In January 2013, Dang Xuan Dieu was sentenced to 13 years in prison for “attempting to overthrow the government” based on his writings, in which he accused the government of religious persecution, and his work as a community organizer who advocated for education for children living in poverty and […]
  • Vietnamese Catholic intellectual treated like “a slave” in prison - Asia News | 10/09/2014 Hanoi (AsiaNews) – Vietnamese engineer and Catholic intellectual Francis Dang Xuan Dieu imprisoned for his activism has been beaten, humiliated and treated like a “slave” in jail after refusing to wear a prisoner uniform, his brother and a former inmate said Wednesday The authorities have prevented the family from meeting him, […]
  • Oct 20-26 Defenders’ Weekly: Blogger Dieu Cay Freed and Forced to Fly to U.S. - Defend the Defenders | 13/10/2014 Defenders’ Weekly ******20/10/2014******* Vietnam Activists Should Follow Fighting Spirit of Blogger Dieu Cay: Former Political Prisoner Vietnamese activists who are imprisoned should follow fighting spirit of prominent blogger Nguyen Van Hai (aka Dieu Cay), said Nguyen Xuan Nghia, a former political prisoner who term ended several months ago. During imprisonments, Vietnamese […]
  • Tuần tin người bảo vệ nhân quyền 20/10-26/10/2014: Blogger Điếu Cày được phóng thích sang Mỹ - Defend the Defenders | 27/10/2014 Defenders’ Weekly ******20/10/2014******* Blogger Điếu Cày trong mắt bạn tù Mấy ngày gần đây khi Việt Nam phóng thích vài tù nhân lương tâm giữa bối cảnh Mỹ dỡ bỏ phần nào lệnh cấm vận võ khí cho Hà Nội, công luận trong và ngoài nước một lần nữa tập trung […]