• Families concerned Over Jailed Activists on Third Week of Hunger Strike -   RFA |  2014-03-06 Families of three Vietnamese activists on the 24th day of their hunger strike in jail on Thursday are concerned over their health condition after authorities rejected requests to visit them. Bloggers Bui Thi Minh Hang and Nguyen Thi Thuy Quynh and follower of the Hoa Hao Buddhist tradition Nguyen Van Minh […]
  • Rights Group Accuses Vietnam of Leader SE Asia in Political Prisoners - Tra Mi – VOA | March 06, 2014 A human rights group says Vietnam has the highest number of political prisoners in Southeast Asia,The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) says at least 212 Vietnamese dissidents are behind bars are many more are under house arrest.FIDH says those imprisoned include lawyers, bloggers and land rights activists. […]
  • Vietnam: Free the over 200 imprisoned dissidents - Fidh | Paris, 6 March 2014 “Vietnam holds the highest number of political prisoner in Southeast Asia. That is deplorable for a country that is currently a member of the UN Human Rights Council,”said FIDH President Karim Lahidji. “The recent string of convictions, assaults, and harassment of bloggers, journalists, and activists shows that the Vietnamese government’s crackdown on […]
  • Another Vietnamese Blogger Jailed - By Luke Hunt | March 06, 2014 Truong Duy Nhat was sentenced to two years behind bars for criticizing the communist government. Another Vietnamese blogger has been jailed for criticizing the communist state. The Vietnamese government has accused Truong Duy Nhat of “abusing democratic freedoms to infringe the interests of the state” under the country’s controversial new article 258. Nhat, […]
  • France condemns Vietnam for jailing prominent blogger -  Agence France Presse Posted at 03/06/2014 7:31 AM | Updated as of 03/06/2014 7:31 AM The foreign ministry in Paris issued a statement saying it “deplores” Nhat’s incarceration on Tuesday, saying it went against freedom of expression. Nhat, 50, was found guilty of “abusing democratic freedoms to infringe on the interests of the state” at […]
  • France Diplomatie: Vietnam – Sentencing of Truong Duy Nhat - France Diplomatie | March 4, 2014 France deplores the sentencing on March 4 of Vietnamese blogger Truong Duy Nhat to two years in prison. We reaffirm our attachment to the freedom of expression and opinion, including on the Internet, in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. These rights and freedoms are guaranteed by the […]
  • Vietnam Jails another Human Rights Blogger - Freedom House | March 5, 2014 Freedom House condemns Vietnam’s sentencing of blogger and human rights activist Truong Duy Nhat on March 4 to a two-year prison term, and calls on the government of Vietnam to overturn his conviction. His imprisonment represents a blatant attack on free speech and independent media in the country. Arrested May […]
  • Message by Ambassador Franz Jessen, Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Vietnam on the conviction of Mr Truong Duy Nhat - EUROPEAN UNION | Hanoi, 5 March 2014 The Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Vietnam, Ambassador Franz Jessen, expressed his concerns over yesterday’s sentencing of blogger and journalist Truong Duy Nhat to two years in prison. Ambassador Jessen recalled the fundamental right for all persons to hold and freely express their opinions in a peaceful manner. The […]
  • Vietnam Jails Former State-Media Journalist for Blog Posts -   Marianne Brown – VOA | March 04, 2014 HANOI — A court in Vietnam has convicted a former journalist of violating a controversial new law that provides criminal penalties for “abusing freedoms to infringe upon the state’s interests.” Activists describe the judgement as an ongoing crackdown on freedom of speech in the country. Fifty-year-old Truong Duy Nhat […]
  • US: Statement on the Conviction of Truong Duy Nhat - STATEMENT | March 4, 2014 Conviction of Truong Duy Nhat We are deeply concerned by a Vietnamese court’s sentencing of Truong Duy Nhat.  We call on the Vietnamese government to release Truong Duy Nhat and all prisoners of conscience, and allow all Vietnamese to peacefully express their political views. Under Secretary of State Wendy Sherman raised […]