• Vietnam’s popular blogger jailed on anti-state charges - AFP | March 04, 2014 Hanoi — Popular Vietnamese blogger and journalist Truong Duy Nhat was jailed for two years on Tuesday for posting articles critical of the Communist government and leaders, his lawyer said. Nhat was found guilty of “abusing democratic freedoms to infringe on the interests of the state” at a half-day trial in […]
  • RSF: BLOGGER TRƯƠNG DUY NHẤT BỊ NHẬN ÁN 2 NĂM - Bản dịch của [rollinglinks]Trang Thiên Long [/rollinglinks] (Defend The Defenders) Phóng viên Không biên giới | ngày 4.3.201 Trương Duy Nhất, một blogger trú ngụ tại thành phố miền trung Đà Nẵng bị giam giữ từ tháng 5 năm 2013, hôm nay đã bị kết án hai năm tù về tội danh “lợi dụng các quyền tự […]
  • Vietnam sends blogger to prison for critical posts -    Associated Press| Tuesday, March 4, 2014  HANOI, Vietnam — A well-known blogger in central Vietnam was sentenced to two years in prison Tuesday for posting criticism of the communist government in the latest case from an intensified crackdown against dissent in the one-party state. Truong Duy Nhat was convicted of “abusing democratic freedoms to infringe […]
  • VIETNAM: Another blogger jailed for denouncing human rights violations - FIDH | 4 March 2014 Today, a court in Danang, central Vietnam, sentenced prominent blogger and human rights defender Truong Duy Nhat to two years in prison under Article 258(2) of the Criminal Code for “abusing democratic freedoms to infringe upon the interests of the State”. The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, […]
  • Proclamation of the Committee to Promote the Founding of the League of Independent Vietnamese Writers - BASAM | March 4th, 2014 After 1975, the end of a hundred-year history of war, our country was in need of a substantial cultural renaissance. Unluckily, this grave and urgent rebirth did not happen as expected. On the contrary, Vietnamese culture has evolved from bad to worse, and appears to be in danger of losing the […]
  • Dư luận trước phiên xử Blogger Trương Duy Nhất - Kính Hòa, phóng viên RFA 2014-03-03 Vài giờ đồng hồ nữa, phiên xử nhà báo, blogger Trương Duy Nhất, sẽ diễn ra tại Đà Nẵng. Ông Nhất bị nhà nước Việt Nam truy tố về tội lợi dụng quyền tự do dân chủ, chiếu theo điều 258 của Bộ Luật Hình Sự. Hôm qua tổ […]
  • Vietnam: Relentless Prosecutions to Squelch Dissent -  HRW | MARCH 3, 2014 (New York) – The trial of the blogger Truong Duy Nhat scheduled for March 4, 2014 in Da Nang demonstrates that there is no slackening of the Vietnamese authorities’ determination to target people for peaceful criticism, Human Rights Watch said today. In his blog, Truong Duy Nhat has often criticized the government and raised […]
  • Vietnam Prepares for Trial of Another Online Activist - VOA News |March 03, 2014 Nhat is one of several bloggers to face trial in the past few months as Vietnamese authorities continue a crackdown on activists. If convicted, he could be sentenced to up to seven years in prison. Tran Vu Hai, Truong Duy Nhat’s lawyer, says in an interview with VOA’s Vietnamese Service that […]
  • The Law Society of Upper Canada Expresses Grave Concerns about the Recent Conviction and Continued Imprisonment of Human Rights Lawyer Le Quoc Quan - TORONTO, Feb. 28, 2014 /CNW The Law Society of Upper Canada is concerned about the recent conviction and continued imprisonment of human rights lawyer Le Quoc Quan of Vietnam. The Law Society first intervened in this case in February 2013. Reliable reports indicated that on December 27, 2012,Le Quoc Quan, human rights lawyer and blogger, was arrested by the police while dropping off his […]
  • Presentation by Mr. Dang Xuong Hung to the sixth Conference of Human Rights and Democracy in Geneva - by Mr. Dang Xuong Hung | 25th February 2014 Distinguished Guests and Members of UN Watch, My name is Dang Xuong Hung. I am the ex consulate of Vietnam in Geneva (2008-2012), the ex Deputy Director in the Foreign Affairs Ministry of Vietnam who has denounced the Vietnamese Communist Party and its government from 18th October 2013. […]