• New Constitution clarifies human and citizen rights - VNA/VietnamPlus – 24 Feb, 2014 Vietnam’s viewpoint on the recognition, respect, protection and guarantee of human rights as well as the fundamental rights and obligations of citizens has been firmly clarified in the amended Constitution, which was passed by almost all of legislators in November last year and was enforced on the first day of […]
  • Vietnamese Dissident Attacked in Hanoi - Tra Mi VOA, February 24, 2014 Nguyen Bac Truyen says in an interview with VOA’s Vietnamese service that he and his wife were ambushed outside the Japanese Embassy Monday. “I was attacked by four plainclothes policemen on my way … to the Australian embassy. … These men had been following me closely since I arrived at Hanoi. […]
  • FORMER VIETNAMESE PRISONERS OF CONSCIENCE: OPEN LETTER FROM ITS CO-CHAIRMEN - Dear Vietnamese Compatriots inside Vietnam and in the Diaspora, Dear International Friends in Democratic Countries, The Socialist Republic of Vietnam (SRV) is at the present time the focus of the world at large.  There are several reasons for this.  First, it has recently been elected to the United Nations Human Rights Council (November 12, 2013) […]
  • THE FORMER VIETNAMESE PRISONERS OF CONSCIENCE – PROCLAMATION - Dear Vietnamese Compatriots inside Vietnam and in the Diaspora, Dear International Friends in Democratic Countries,             Freedom of conscience is one of the basic inalienable rights of a human being besides the freedom of thought, the freedom of religion and the freedom of expression.  To live in accordance with our conscience is to live ethically, […]
  • Vietnamese human rights defender still imprisoned - 21 Feb, 2014 – Le Quoc Quan, a human rights lawyer well known for his oppositional blog posts, remains in prison after a court in Hanoi upheld a previous sentence against him on 18 February. There was hope that Vietnam’s new found place on the UN Human Rights Council might increase pressure on the judiciary […]
  • Bộ Ngoại Giao Pháp PHẢN ĐỐI BẢN ÁN ĐỐI VỚI LS LÊ QUỐC QUÂN – Confirmation en appel de la peine de prison du blogueur Le Quoc Quan (18 février 2014) - La France est préoccupée par la confirmation en appel de la condamnation de l’avocat et blogueur vietnamien Le Quoc Quan, condamné le 2 octobre 2013 en première instance par le tribunal populaire de Hanoï à une peine de prison de 30 mois pour évasion fiscale. La France rappelle son attachement à la liberté d’expression et […]
  • Viet Nam: Arbitrary detention and ongoing judicial harassment of human rights lawyer and blogger Le Quoc Quan - VNM 001 / 0113 / OBS 001.1 Arbitrary detention / Sentencing Viet Nam, February 21, 2014  The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a joint programme of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), has received new information and requests your urgent intervention in the following situation […]
  • Amnesty International visits Viet Nam for human rights dialogue - Press releases, 20 February 2014 | AI Representatives from Amnesty International’s Secretariat this week made their first visit to Viet Nam in decades. A four-person delegation spent three days in Viet Nam’s capital Hanoi, building on an individual visit for the organization last year by Amnesty International USA’s Deputy Executive Director. They met with a range […]
  • Viet Nam: Campaigners condemn decision upholding Le Quoc Quan sentence - A coalition of 14 human rights groups strongly condemns this week’s decision by an appeal court upholding a 30-month prison sentence for Vietnamese human rights lawyer and blogger Le Quoc Quan. Mr. Quan has been detained since December 2012.  The groups believe Mr. Quan’s detention is politically motivated and a reaction to his blog, where […]
  • 14 tổ chức ‘lên án’ tòa xử LS Quân - BBC, ngày 20.2.2014 Mười bốn tổ chức phi chính phủ cùng ‘lên án’ việc tòa phúc thẩm ở Hà Nội giữ nguyên bản án 30 tháng tù với luật sư Lê Quốc Quân. Trước đó cả Liên minh châu Âu và Hoa Kỳ đều bày tỏ ‘quan ngại’ về quyết định của tòa án hôm […]