• ÂN XÁ QUỐC TẾ: TÙ NHÂN BẤT ĐỒNG CHÍNH KIẾN VIỆT NAM TIẾP TỤC TUYỆT THỰC - Bản dịch từ Radio của Nguyễn Thành (Defend the Defenders) Ngày 10/6/2013 – ABC Radio Australia Một nhà bất đồng chính kiến VN trong tù đã tuyệt thực hơn hai tuần nay Phóng viên: Joanna McCarthy Trả lời phỏng vấn: Rupert Abbott, nhà nghiên cứu của tổ chức Ân xá quốc tế, phụ trách các vấn […]
  • Tôi cũng sẽ tuyệt thực để ủng hộ - Phạm Thanh Nghiên Hải Phòng, 10.6.2013 Ngày 10/6/2013, người tù lương tâm Cù Huy Hà Vũ đã bước sang ngày thứ 15 tuyệt thực trong nhà tù – Trại giam số 5 Thanh Hóa – để phản đối việc nhà chức trách “xâm phạm quyền lợi hợp pháp” đối với ông. Bạn bè và người […]
  • Two Join Jailed Vietnamese Activist in Hunger Strike - RFA | 10.6.2013 | Two activists calling for democratic reform in Vietnam on Monday joined a hunger strike by jailed prominent dissident Cu Huy Ha Vu protesting prison conditions that have affected his health.
  • Nhiều lời kêu gọi tuyệt thực để ủng hộ Tiến sĩ luật Cù Huy Hà Vũ - Trà Mi-VOA | 10.06.2013 | Một nhà hoạt động từng bị tù vì cổ xúy dân chủ tại Việt Nam tuyên bố cùng tuyệt thực với nhà bất đồng chính kiến Cù Huy Hà Vũ, người đang thọ án 7 năm tù về tội danh “tuyên truyền chống nhà nước”.
  • Vietnam Human Rights Sanctions Act S.929 - S. 929: Vietnam Human Rights Sanctions Act 113th Congress, 2013–2015. Text as of May 09, 2013 (Introduced). Status & Summary | PDF | Source: GPO S 929 IS  113th CONGRESS – 1st Session – S. 929 To impose sanctions on individuals who are complicit in human rights abuses committed against nationals of Vietnam or their family members, and for other purposes.
  • Vietnam’s repression of human rights raised in Hill visits, hearing - By Patricia Zapor Catholic News Service 5.6.2013 WASHINGTON (CNS) — Hundreds of Vietnamese-Americans, as well as Vietnamese immigrants and visitors, spread out across Capitol Hill June 4 urging members of Congress to pay attention to ongoing, even worsening, repression in their home country. In a hearing before the House Foreign Affairs subcommittee that deals with […]
  • In Vietnam, free expression comes at a price - ANALYSIS: Ruthless crackdown on bloggers smacks of desperation UCA News | 7.6.2013 | Truong Duy Nhat’s arrest last week was accompanied by a little surprise from the government. In the subsequent days, the popular blogger’s website became a booby trap, with malware downloaded onto visitors’ computers that stole personal information about the user.
  • Daniel Baer: U.S.-Vietnam Bilateral Relations - Testimony – Daniel Baer Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor. As-prepared statement to House Committee on Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific Washington, DC – June 5, 2013 [pullquote]“As we talk about human rights, we should all remember that our concerns are really echoes of the concerns being voiced and discussed […]
  • THE DIRTY GAME OF THE VIETNAMESE SECURITY AGENCY - Lawyer Nguyen Van Dai (Vietnam Human Rights Committee) 6.6.2013 Recently, the Vietnamese Security Agency has failed when they tried to recruit the people in the democracy movement. They recruited some people, but these people were quickly discovered. One case was discovered in Vinh city on May 26, 2013. This young man was recruited by Hanoi […]
  • US warns Vietnam ‘backtracking’ on rights - Agence France-Presse 6.6.2013 WASHINGTON – A senior US official warned Wednesday that Vietnam’s record on human rights was deteriorating as he faced calls from Congress to put tougher conditions on the nations’ warming partnership. Joe Yun, the acting assistant secretary of state for East Asia, said the United States had “considerable leverage” with Vietnam as […]