• Vietnam – Arrest of blogger Truong Duy Nhat (May 27, 2013) - France condemns the arrest of blogger Truong Duy Nhat on 26 May in the city of Danang for “abusing democratic freedoms with acts against the state”. This arrest follows a series of convictions handed down against rights defenders in Vietnam since autumn 2012, which breach human rights. France notably expressed its concerns after two young […]
  • Jailed Vietnamese Dissident on Hunger Strike - (RFA | 28.5.2013) – A prominent dissident jailed in Vietnam for trying to “overthrow the state” has begun a hunger strike after accusing the authorities of ignoring complaints of “unsuitable” prison conditions that have affected his health, according to his wife.
  • TS luật Cù Huy Hà Vũ tuyệt thực trong tù - Gia Minh biên tập viên RFA 28.5.2013 (RFA) – Tiến sĩ luật Cù huy Hà Vũ, người đang phải chịu thụ án 7 năm tù vì những đấu tranh công khai của ông với các ấp lãnh đạo của nhà nước Việt Nam, hôm qua bắt đầu tuyệt thực trong tù để phản đối hành […]
  • NEWLY-DETAINED BLOGGER INSISTED HE WAS “NEITHER CRIMINAL NOR REACTIONARY” - PUBLISHED ON MONDAY 27 MAY 2013. Public security ministry officials yesterday arrested Truong Duy Nhat, one of Vietnam’s most influential bloggers, at his home in the central city of Da Nang and escorted him by plane to Hanoi. [pullquote]“Nhat’s arrest is particularly disturbing as it shows that the government is bent on persecuting and jailing all […]
  • FIDH denounces detention of dissidents, use of the death penalty and violations of freedom of expression in Vietnam - 38th Congress of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) ISTANBUL, Turkey, 27 May 2013 (VCHR) – Representatives of 178 non-governmental organizations from 117 countries in Africa, Asia, the Americas, Europe and Oceania, gathering in Istanbul, Turkey from 22-27 May for the 38th Congress of the International Federation for Human Rights(FIDH) adopted an Urgent Resolution on Human Rights […]
  • Vietnam arrests well-known blogger for criticism - Former journalist behind ‘Another point of view’ blog faces up to 7 years in jail for ‘abusing democratic freedoms’ HANOI (AP) — Vietnamese police have arrested one of the country’s best known bloggers for posting criticism of the communist government. The arrest of 49-year-old Truong Duy Nhat is the latest in an intensified crackdown against […]
  • CHRISTIANS SUFFER AS VIETNAM CRACKDOWNS ON FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION - A Special Report by ICC 05/23/2013 Washington D.C. (International Christian Concern) – One of the few remaining communist countries in the world, Vietnam is aggressively trying to stifle the cry of its people for increased human rights and freedoms, consequently furthering the persecution of Christians. On Jan. 9, thirteen peaceful Catholic activists were sentenced to between […]
  • Vietnam: Injustice reigns as eight pro-democracy activists lose appeal - 24 May 2013 Eight Vietnamese pro-democracy activists have lost an appeal against their conviction in January 2013 for “carrying out activities aimed at overthrowing the people’s administration”. The court in Vinh City upheld the convictions of all eight activists, reducing the sentences of four of the group.
  • Vietnam: Update – Sentence against eight human rights defenders upheld in appeal - Posted 2013/5/24 On 23 May 2013 the appeal trials of Messrs Ho Duc Hoa, Thai Van Dung, Paulus Le Son, Nguyen Xuan Anh, Tran Minh Nhat, Nguyen Dinh Cuong, Ho Van Oanh and Nguyen Van Duyet were heard in a court in the northern city of Vinh. International observers were not allowed access to the hearing and there […]
  • Vietnam Reduces Sentences of Four Jailed Activists - (photo of VOV) 2013-05-23 – Reported by RFA’s Vietnamese Service. Written in English by Joshua Lipes. Vietnam Reduces Sentences of Four Jailed Activists overthrow the government but upheld those for four others, a lawyer said, while a banned opposition group they were said to have links with called for their immediate release.