• Buddhist dissident Thich Quang Do is nominated for the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize and receives diplomatic visits from Germany and France - PARIS, 1st February 2013 (VIETNAM COMMITTEE) – The Most Venerable Thich Quang Do, Patriarch of the Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam (UBCV) has been nominated for the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize. The deadline for nominations to the Nobel Peace Prize Committee in Oslo expires today, 1st February 2013, and the winner will be announced in mid-October. Nominations were […]
  • WORLD REPORT 2013 – Vietnam - The Vietnam government systematically suppresses freedom of expression, association, and peaceful assembly, and persecutes those who question government policies, expose official corruption, or call for democratic alternatives to one-party rule. Police harass and intimidate activists and their family members. Authorities arbitrarily arrest activists, hold them incommunicado for long periods without access to legal counsel or […]
  • JOINT OPEN LETTER The Observatory & Vietnam Committee on Human Rights - 2013-01-30 | The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders & Vietnam Committee on Human Rights | Vietnam Committee on Human Rights Attn: President Truong Tan Sang, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung and Communist Party Secretary-General Nguyen Phu Trong January 30, 2013 Re: Arbitrary internment of Le Anh Hung in “Social Support Centre No 2” […]
  • 2013 WORLD PRESS FREEDOM INDEX – Asia-Pacific Area - Burmese spring an exception to decline in freedom of information in Asia Only three Asian countries are in the top 25 percent of the table, while 15 countries are among the bottom 45 places. Unsurprisingly, one-party authoritarian governments figure more than ever among the predators of press freedom and languish at the bottom end of […]
  • CHỈ SỐ TỰ DO BÁO CHÍ THẾ GIỚI 2013 – CHÂU Á TBD: VIỆT NAM KHÔNG CÓ DẤU HIỆU CẢI THIỆN - Mùa xuân Miến Điện – một ngoại lệ trong suy thoái tự do thông tin ở châu Á Chỉ có ba nước châu Á nằm ở phần 25% đầu bảng, trong khi 15 nước khác nằm trong số 45 nước cuối bảng . Không có gì đáng ngạc nhiên khi các chính phủ độc tài […]
  • Vietnamese Blogger Le Anh Hung arrested and interned in a mental institution in Hanoi - 2013-01-26 | | Vietnam Committee on Human Rights PARIS, 26 January 2013 (VIETNAM COMMITTEE) – The Vietnam Committee on Human Rights strongly denounces the virtual kidnapping of Vietnamese blogger Le Anh Hung and his internment in a mental institution in Hanoi. At 10.15am on Thursday 24 January, six secret security agents came to the company in Hung Yen where […]
  • Journalism award: Ta Phong Tan, imprisoned Vietnamese blogger - Ta Phong Tan is one of three Vietnamese bloggers, collectively calling themselves the ‘Club for Free Journalists’, at the centre of a draconian clampdown by the country’s authorities. Vietnam is one of the world’s most restrictive countries for freedom of speech and the press. Only China, Eritrea and North Korea come lower on RSF’s press-freedom […]
  • Appeal to the Vietnamese authorities to free bloggers, citizen journalists and human rights activists and drop charges - 13 bloggers, citizen journalists and human rights activists were sentenced to jail in Vietnam – ARTICLE 19 Nguyễn Tấn Dũng Socialist Republic of Vietnam Office of the State 1 Bach Thao Hanoi, Vietnam 14 January 2013 Dear Prime Minister Nguyễn Tấn Dũng, We, the undersigned organisations, are seriously concerned over the conviction on Tuesday 8 January […]
  • Vietnam – Prison sentences handed down to human rights defenders (January 11, 2013) - Political relations France condemns the heavy prison sentences handed down on 9 January to 14 human rights defenders by the People’s Court of Nghe An Province in Vietnam. Several similar decisions have been taken by the Vietnamese authorities in recent months. Such decisions are a serious attack on human rights, particularly the freedom of opinion […]
  • Vietnam Continues Crackdown on Free Speech with Conviction of 14 Activists - Freedom House condemns the conviction of 14 human rights defenders in Vietnam and calls for their immediate release and for the release of other jailed free speech advocates. Their conviction is the latest in an intensified attack by the government on those seeking to exercise their right to free speech, and their trial was one […]