• Amnesty International: Annual Report 2013 – The state of the world’s human rights - Viet Nam Head of state: Truong Tan SangHead of government: Nguyen Tan Dung Repression of government critics and activists worsened, with severe restrictions on freedom of expression, association and assembly. At least 25 peaceful dissidents, including bloggers and songwriters, were sentenced to long prison terms in 14 trials that failed to meet international standards. Members […]
  • APPEAL COURT UPHOLDS JAIL TIME FOR FIVE BLOGGERS - Reporters Sans Frontieres PUBLISHED ON THURSDAY 23 MAY 2013. A court in the northern city of Vinh on today ruled on the appeals by five bloggers – Ho Duc Hoa,Paulus Le Van Son, Nguyen Van Duyet, Thai Van Dung and Tran Minh Nhat – against their long jail terms, upholding the existing sentences for three of them and reducing the sentences of […]
  • Vietnam: Joint Letter sent to PM Nguyen Tan Dung Ahead of Appeal Trial of Human Rights Defenders - Posted 2013/5/22 – The appeal trial of human rights defenders Messrs Ho Duc Hoa, Thai Van Dung, Paulus Le Son, Nguyen Xuan Anh, Tran Minh Nhat, Nguyen Dinh Cuong, Ho Van Oanh and Nguyen Van Duyet is due to take place tomorrow, 23 May 2013. Ahead of the hearing, a joint letter has been sent […]
  • Vietnamese Blogger Held for Distributing Rights Leaflets - Reported by RFA’s Vietnamese Service. Written in English by Joshua Lipes. 2013-05-22.  Khanh Hoa province after distributing leaflets and balloons promoting international human rights standards. Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh—who blogs as Me Nam, meaning “Mother Mushroom”—said in an interview after her release that she and her friends Pham Thanh Hai and Nguyen Tien Nam—also known […]
  • Vietnamese Catholics pray for release of Vinh Christian activists - by Paul N. Hung 22/5/2013. On 23 May, after several postponements, eight of the 14 arrested appear before the judges of the Supreme Court. International organizations, pro human rights movements and the faithful ask for their release. The repression of the authorities also affects bloggers, patriots and “peaceful dissidents.” Hanoi (AsiaNews) – Catholics, human rights […]
  • Pressure Mounting on Vietnam to Improve Human Rights - By Shar Adams, Epoch Times | May 20, 2013 WASHNGTON—In 1994, President Bill Clinton declared May 11 Vietnam Human Rights Day in the hope it would ease political, civil, and religious repression in Vietnam. Nearly two decades later, the rights picture remains grim, however, motivating members of the United States Congress and human rights groups […]
  • “DECISION 20” SILENCES 16 FOREIGN TV CHANNELS - PUBLISHED ON TUESDAY 21 MAY 2013. Reporters Without Borders is shocked by a government decree, called Decision 20/2011/QD-TTG, which has prevented local retransmission of four categories of foreign TV channels since 15 May by requiring them to pay for simultaneous translation of all their programming into Vietnamese.
  • Declaration by the Free Citizens: Nguyen Phuong Uyen, Dinh Nguyen Kha are innocent and patriotic - May 17, 2013 We the undersigned Free Citizens, in light of the wrongful sentences of 6 and 8 years of imprisonment and 6 years of house arrest imposed upon the two patriotic students, Nguyen Phuong Uyen and Dinh Nguyen Kha, declare that:
  • Vietnam: 2 jeunes militants condamnés -  Le avec AFP Mis à jour le 17/05/2013 Les Etats-Unis ont exigé aujourd’hui la libération immédiate de deux jeunes militants condamnés la veille à des peines de prison ferme pour propagande contre l’Etat, dénonçant la “tendance inquiétante” à la répression du régime communiste. Nguyen Phuong Uyen, étudiante de 21 ans environ, et Dinh Nguyen Kha, […]
  • Embassy Statement on Dinh Nguyen Kha and Nguyen Phuong Uyen - Hanoi, 17 May 2013 We are concerned by a Vietnamese court’s sentencing of Dinh Nguyen Kha to eight years in prison and Nguyen Phuong Uyen to six years in prison on subversion charges. These convictions are part of a disturbing trend of Vietnamese authorities using charges under national security laws to imprison government critics for […]