• Vietnam Jails Two Over Leaflets - RFA 16.5.2013 – A court in southern Vietnam on Thursday sentenced two young activists to several years in prison for distributing “anti-government” leaflets, in a trial relatives and rights groups condemned as unfair and aimed at silencing dissent in the one-party state.
  • HRW: Vietnam Should Drop Charges for Leafleting - Activists Targeted for Criticizing Government Relations with China Human Rights Watch 15 May 2013 (New York) – Vietnam should drop charges and free two activists arrested in October 2012 for “conducting propaganda against the state. Nguyen Phuong Uyen and Dinh Nguyen Kha are scheduled to be tried in the People’s Court of Long An province on Thursday, […]
  • NETIZEN PRIZE WINNER PREVENTED FROM TAKING INTERNATIONAL FLIGHT - PUBLISHED ON MONDAY 13 MAY 2013. Reporters Without Borders condemns the Vietnamese public security ministry’s decision to prevent the well-known blogger Huynh Ngoc Chenh from travelling abroad. Winner of the 2013 Netizen Prize, which Reporters Without Borders awards annually with support from Google, Chenh and his daughter were stopped at Ho Chi Minh City airport as they were about […]
  • HRW: Stop Blocking ‘Human Rights Picnics’ - Activists Harassed and Assaulted for Discussing Rights Human Rights Watch 10.5.2013 The Vietnamese authorities should stop impeding and abusing people trying to hold “human rights picnics” in public spaces. Despite government abuse and bullying, some people did succeed in holding informal gatherings and discussed the day’s events online.
  • AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL – OPEN LETTER: ARRESTS AND VIOLENCE AT HUMAN RIGHTS PICNICS - His Excellency Gen Tran Dai Quang Minister of Public Security Ministry of Public Security 44 Yet Kieu Street Hoan Kiem District Ha Noi Socialist Republic of Viet Nam 9 May 2013 Dear Minister OPEN LETTER: ARRESTS AND VIOLENCE AT HUMAN RIGHTS PICNICS I am writing to you to convey Amnesty International’s deep concern over events […]
  • ÂN XÁ QUỐC TẾ – THƯ NGỎ: BẮT GIAM và BẠO ĐỘNG tại các cuộc DÃ NGOẠI NHÂN QUYỀN - Ngài Đại tướng Trần Đại Quang Bộ trưởng Công an – Bộ Công an 44 Yết Kiêu, Quận Hoàn Kiếm – Hà Nội Cộng Hòa Xã Hội Chủ Nghĩa Việt Nam Ngày 9 tháng 5 năm 2013 Thưa ông Bộ Trưởng THƯ NGỎ: BẮT GIAM VÀ BẠO ĐỘNG TẠI CÁC CUỘC DÃ NGOẠI NHÂN QUYỀN Tôi […]
  • Communist Vietnam — Human Trafficker Extraordinaire - By Michael Benge – May 4, 2013 Vietnam is now the proud possessor of the inglorious title “The Worst Human Rights Violator in Southeast Asia,” according to recent testimony before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. State-affiliated labor export companies are major suppliers of men, women, and children to the forced labor and sex trafficking markets, […]
  • Debate on Vietnam, in particular freedom of expression, in European Parliament - Author: Marietje Schaake Thurday 18 April 2013/Strasbourg  Madam President, the struggle for human rights has moved online. The availability of the internet and new technologies has helped people to access information, to freely express themselves, to assemble and to document human rights abuses, which can then be shared with the rest of the world. Governments that […]
  • Thảo luận về Việt Nam, đặc biệt là quyền tự do ngôn luận, tại Nghị viện Châu Âu - Bản dịch của Lê Thiên Hà (Defend theDefenders) Tác giả: Marietje Schaake Thứ Năm 18.4.2013/Strasbourg  Thưa bà Chủ tịch, cuộc đấu tranh vì quyền con người đã lan sang mạng Internet. Internet và công nghệ mới đã hỗ trợ mọi người trong việc tiếp cận thông tin, trong việc tự do bày tỏ chính kiến, trong […]
  • POLICE USE VIOLENCE AGAINST BLOGGERS AT HUMAN RIGHTS PICNICS - On Wednesday, 8 May 2013. Bloggers and netizens who took part in “picnics to discuss human rights” in public places in several Vietnamese cities on 5 May were violently attacked by police and many were briefly detained. “We firmly condemn this deliberate police violence against news providers and we are very disturbed to see that […]